Getting your accounting and tax returns in order carefree and affordable

Whether you run a business or a household, the tax authorities are never far away. That is why it is important to have your administrative and financial affairs in order. YL Administration & Tax Advice in Vlodrop, Central Limburg, will help you with this. We take care of your complete bookkeeping and do the tax returns for you as an existing entrepreneur or starting business. Also if you have to deal with surcharges, inheritance tax and gift tax, knock on our door.

Are you a starting company?
If you want to start a business, you have a lot to deal with. Then it’s nice to have someone who can look at things with you and think along with you. We advise you in the choice of legal form (sole proprietorship, bv, vof, partnership) and set up your administration. This way you can focus on what you really like and what you are good at.

As a private individual, would you like to outsource your tax return?
That is of course possible. We do this online or at your home at the kitchen table. Because at home you have everything at hand. Think of: annual statement, bank statements, overview of investments, WOZ value. Even if you have specific and complex deductions, we are the party for you. If you hire us for your tax return, you no longer have to worry about it and you can save money at the same time.





What can you contact us for?

Are you an entrepreneur?

Then we take care of your complete administration.

For a fixed monthly fee you get:

  • An up-to-date accounting system;
  • An income tax return;
  • A sales tax return;
  • Lots of room for questions.

Are you going to start a business?

Then you will receive very valuable start-up guidance from us.

What to expect

  • Choosing an appropriate legal form;
  • Setting up your complete administration.

Are you an individual?

Then outsource your income tax return.

For a price agreed in advance we take care of
the income tax return. At your home or online.

Do you need other tax help?

Think inheritance tax, gift tax or surcharges?

We are happy to help you with those as well.

Hand over your financial and tax affairs with peace of mind

YL Administration & Tax Advice has been providing financial records and returns for businesses and individuals for years. With success.

Youri Linssen

YL, as you might suspect, stands for Youri Linssen. I started this company because I want to help companies and individuals with their fiscal affairs. In an affordable way.

I received my degree in Tax Law & Economics from Fontys Hogeschool in Eindhoven. And I finished my master in Tax Law at Tilburg University. With this knowledge and my practical experience, I advise clients on all tax developments and provide them with full tax relief.

Although I have the financial and fiscal knowledge in-house, I am happy with the help and support of my partner Mariska. That’s why we run YL Administratie & Belastingadvies together.

Mariska Naus

I help Youri wherever I can. From answering emails and scheduling appointments for tax returns to publishing posts on social media and maintaining contact with the website builder.

This allows Youri to fully focus on working for our clients.

What are customers saying about us?

Our clients like the fact that we take care of all the accounting. And that the cooperation runs smoothly. We also hear back that questions are answered quickly and that the price-quality ratio is good.

Not quite convinced yet? Then read the reviews below.

Do you work in the Netherlands and live abroad? File a tax return.

If you work in the Netherlands and live abroad, you may be entitled to a tax refund. But you will not automatically get a refund. You have to file a tax return. You must attach an income statement to your tax return.

YL Administration & Tax Advice will apply for this tax refund for you and prepare the income statement.

We have been taking care of the financial administration and declarations of companies and individuals for years. And of people like you who work in the Netherlands and live somewhere else. With success.

Our Blogs

Don’t want to miss anything from YL Administratie & Belastingadvies? And would you like to stay up to date with the latest financial and tax news? Then come back to this page regularly for the latest blog and follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. Add links to social platforms That way you won’t miss a thing.

What can I help you with?

Do you have a question about what YL Administratie & Belastingadvies can do for you? If so, please get in touch.

Waarom u ons inschakelt

Laat uw administratie aan ons over. U hoeft dan geen facturen meer in te voeren of financiële rapportages op te stellen. Zo bespaart u enorm veel tijd en kunt u zich richten op (de groei van) uw onderneming.

Nauwkeurigheid en expertise
U wilt natuurlijk boetes of problemen met de Belastingdienst voorkomen. Wij hebben de kennis en ervaring om uw administratie tot in de puntjes te verwerken. U kunt dus vertrouwen op foutloze aangiftes en rapportages.

Natuurlijk investeert u in het inhuren van ons, maar uiteindelijk scheelt u dat in kosten. Besteed u uw administratie uit, dan voorkomt u mogelijke fouten die financiële consequenties kunnen hebben. Daarnaast krijgt u van ons advies over fiscale voordelen en aftrekposten.

Voldoen aan verplichtingen
Als ondernemer heeft u fiscale verplichtingen. Denk aan de aangifte inkomstenbelasting en omzetbelasting. Het is van belang deze tijdig en correct na te komen. Laat u uw administratie aan ons over, dan worden al uw belastingaangiftes op tijd ingediend.

Uw voordelen

Keuze van de rechtsvorm
Bij het starten van een bedrijf wilt u natuurlijk de juiste rechtsvorm kiezen. Een die past bij uw situatie en doelen. Als u ons inschakelt, leggen wij u haarfijn uit wat de verschillen zijn tussen de rechtsvormen. En adviseren wij welke voor u het meest passend is. Daarna kunt u de juiste keuze maken.

Inrichting van uw administratie
Een goed georganiseerde en efficiënte administratie is een must voor u als starter. Wij helpen u bij het inrichten van uw administratie, opzetten van een boekhoudsysteem, registreren van transacties en het opstellen van rapportages. Zo heeft u inzicht en kunt u verantwoorde beslissingen nemen.

Fiscale en wettelijke verplichtingen
Bij het starten van uw bedrijf krijgt u te maken met fiscale en wettelijke verplichtingen. Wij helpen u door het complexe landschap van belastingen, sociale zekerheid en wet- en regelgeving heen.

Uw voordelen

Expertise en nauwkeurigheid
U wilt geen fouten maken, onvolledige informatie doorgeven of belastingvoordelen missen. Daarom neemt u ons in de arm. YL Administratie & Belastingadvies is gespecialiseerd in belastingzaken en heeft kennis van de wet- en regelgeving rondom inkomstenbelasting. Zo bent u zeker van een tijdige en correcte aangifte.

Tijd en gemak
Het invullen van uw aangifte inkomstenbelasting kan complex zijn en veel tijd kosten. Zeker als u te maken heeft met specifieke situaties, zoals verschillende inkomsten en aftrekposten. Door ons in te schakelen, bespaart u waardevolle tijd en energie.

Zijn er belastingvoordelen en aftrekposten voor u van toepassing? Dan nemen wij die vanzelfsprekend mee in de aangifte. Zo kan het zomaar zijn dat u geld terugkrijgt of minder hoeft te betalen.

Waarom u ons inhuurt

Specialistische kennis
Heeft u te maken met complexe fiscale zaken, zoals erfbelasting, schenkbelasting en toeslagen. Dan gelden er speciale regels en voorschriften. Wij begeleiden en adviseren u goed, omdat we op de hoogte zijn van de laatste wet- en regelgeving.

U bent gebaat bij een optimale fiscale situatie. En als u kunt besparen, dan doet u dat natuurlijk het liefst. Daarom kiest u voor YL Administratie & Belastingadvies. Wij adviseren u en helpen u eventuele toeslagen aan te vragen als u daar recht op heeft.

Het invullen van erfbelastingaangiften, het doen van de aangifte schenkbelasting of het aanvragen van toeslagen moet zorgvuldig gebeuren. Wij zorgen voor een correcte verwerking van uw gegevens en het juist invullen en op tijd indienen van de benodigde documenten en formulieren.

Tijd en gemak
Als u in complexe fiscale kwesties moet duiken, kan dat veel tijd en moeite kosten. Door ons in te schakelen, nemen wij deze last van uw schouders. U kunt dan uw tijd besteden aan andere belangrijke én leuke zaken. Terwijl wij zorgen voor een efficiënte en tijdige afhandeling.

Read why you engage us

Save time
Leave your administration to us. You will no longer have to enter invoices or prepare financial reports. This saves you an enormous amount of time and allows you to focus on (growing) your business.

Accuracy and expertise
You naturally want to avoid fines or problems with the Internal Revenue Service. We have the knowledge and experience to process your administration to perfection. So you can rely on error-free returns and reports.

Cost savings
Of course, you invest in hiring us, but in the end, it saves you in costs. If you outsource your administration, you avoid possible mistakes that could have financial consequences. In addition, we will advise you on tax benefits and deductions.

Meeting obligations
As a business owner, you have tax obligations. Consider the income tax and sales tax returns. It is important to comply with these on time and correctly. If you leave your administration to us, all your tax returns will be submitted on time.

Your benefits

Choice of Legal Form
When starting a business, you naturally want to choose the right legal form. One that suits your situation and goals. If you hire us, we will explain in detail the differences between the legal forms. And we will advise you which one is most suitable for you. Then you can make the right choice.

Setting up your administration
A well-organized and efficient administration is a must for you as a start-up. We help you set up your administration, set up an accounting system, record transactions and prepare reports. This gives you insight and allows you to make responsible decisions.

Tax and legal obligations
When starting your business, you will face tax and legal obligations. We will help you navigate the complex landscape of taxes, social security, and laws and regulations.

Your benefits

Expertise and accuracy
You don’t want to make mistakes, provide incomplete information or miss out on tax benefits. That’s why you hire us. YL Administration & Tax Advice specializes in tax matters and has knowledge of the laws and regulations surrounding income tax. So you can be sure of a timely and correct tax return.

Time and convenience
Completing your income tax return can be complex and time-consuming. Especially if you are dealing with specific situations, such as different income and deductions. Engaging us will save you valuable time and energy.

Tax Benefits
Do tax benefits and deductions apply to you? Then of course we will include these in your tax return. You may receive a refund or pay less.

Read why you hire us

Specialist knowledge
Are you dealing with complex tax matters, such as inheritance tax, gift tax and benefits? If so, special rules and regulations apply. We guide and advise you well, because we are familiar with the latest laws and regulations.

You benefit from an optimal tax situation. And if you can save, you naturally prefer to do so. That is why you choose YL Administration & Tax Advice. We advise you and help you apply for any allowances if you are entitled to them.

Completing inheritance tax returns, filing gift tax returns or applying for benefits must be done with care. We ensure that your information is processed correctly and that the necessary documents and forms are completed correctly and submitted on time.

Time and convenience
When you have to dive into complex tax issues, it can take a lot of time and effort. By engaging us, we take this burden off your shoulders. You can then spend your time on other important and enjoyable matters. While we take care of efficient and timely handling.